If you do not already have an open support ticket, email to open a new ticket.Take a photo of the 'ESN' value on the screen.Gently lift his arms, then lower them back down.This button is located in between the gold pads on his back. While Vector is booted up, place Vector on his charger.When this occurs, your membership may not be able to be activated until Digital Dream Labs has the correct serial number on file for you. The robot's serial number was misprinted from the factory during manufacture.The electronics board in the head of the robot was replaced after manufacture (may happen in the case of a screen repair or other repair of the robot).In rare cases, the serial number that is programmed into the robot does not match the serial number on the bottom of the robot. I have a Membership and have submitted my serial number, but my Vector is still giving me the subscription message or disagreeing with my commands after 24 hours. For Vector 2.0, look at the 'ESN' printed on the bottom. For Vector 1.0, look near the top track next to the letters 'S/N:' for the 8-character serial number. How Do I Find Vector's Serial Number? How Do I Find Vector's Serial Number?